
1.SPE简介 & Who we are

SPE(Society of Petroleum Engineers)——美国石油工程师协会是全球性的石油科研工作者官方组织,拥有来自147个国家超过168000名会员和368个学生分会。该组织每年举办石油行业各相关学科的学术会议、竞赛,并把会议论文和该组织出版的期刊论文加工成电子文献,为石油行业的相关人才提供很好的交流学习平台。


The SPE CUG Wuhan Students chapter is under the umbrella of SPE INTERNATIONAL, which is a not-for-profit professional association whose members are engaged in energy resources development and production. SPE is a key resource for technical knowledge related to the oil and gas exploration and production industry, and provides services through publications, events, training courses and online resources at www.spe.org. Currently, SPE has More than 143,000 members in 147Countries participate in 199 sections and 337 university chapters. SPEs membership includes more than 50,000 student members.

SPE CUG Wuhan Student Chapter which is under the Northern China International Section, was founded on 1st October 2012. We have an active membership of about 60 students and 5 faculty members, and are looking to grow this number tremendously during the following year. SPE IS NOT ONLY FOR PETROLEUM ENGINEERING students, but for any one who has an avid interest in the energy sector, and the oil and gas business.

2. 指导老师及历届主席 & Advisors and all previous Chairmen


历届主席 & Chairman





Mukhatar Habib











3. SPE宗旨及系列活动 & What we are about



1)每月定期举办技术培训讲座和学术沙龙活动,分享石油石化领域最新的学术、及留学、实习及就业信息。代表活动有每月一期的“SPE TALK”。

2 ) 举办“中国石油工程知识竞赛”和亚太区Petrobowl等各类国内外相关竞赛的选拔赛。

3 ) 组织会员参加国内外大型学术会议及学术论坛活动。

As a Chapter, our objective is to empower our members with those essential career and professional skills that they won’t necessarily get in the classroom. We reach out for technical knowledge from professional experts in the field, fellow students and faculty members. SPE is also about broadening our network; learning and sharing with each other.

Our objectives are as follows :

1) On a monthly basis, arranging various technical lectures relating to the petroleum industry, technological advancements, etc.

2)Choosing the final team for the SPE Petrobowl Regional qualifiers and other major competitions.

3)Organizing attendance of events abroad, inviting students or faculty members for visits and exchange with our local chapter.

SPE Talk系列活动

SPE TALK系列活动是由国际石油工程师协会(SPE)地大学生分会主办的旨在科学技术领域引导学生加深专业知识学习的互动性教育活动。同时,SPE TALK也将会为广大学子提供一个国际化的交流平台以拓展我院学生的国际视野。

1)SPE名家讲坛(SPE Technical Speech Session)


2)SPE科普说(SPE TekTalk)


3)SPE咖啡时光(SPE Coffee Break)


4)SPE公开课(SPE Public Classes)


The SPE TALK is an interactive and educational event, aimed at enriching and broadening students’ knowledge on a wide spectrum of topics in science and technology. It is also a platform for students to develop the international horizon

1)SPE Technical Speech Session

Experts in the energy industry would be invited inside or outside campus to deliver a speech with their opinions on the industry development and give us advice about career choice.

2)SPE TekTalk

Presenters from senior Undergraduate or Postgraduate students can choose from a wide scope of topics in their fields of research (science and technology) and give a presentation within 10 minutes, followed by one minute of review comments from a faculty member and 5 minutes Q&A from the audience.

3)SPE Coffee Break

In this session, snacks and drinks would be offered, together with some smart games and socializing activities. The activities are designed to enhance bonding, networking, language and cultural exchange. They usually will also follow 4.1 and 4.2 sessions.

4)SPE Public Classes

Classes will be arranged on monthly basis, especially targeting software training, English/Chinese language improvement and other basic essential skills.

4.近年成果 & Our work in recent years


Our team won the national first price on the China sixth petroleum engineering knowledge contest


Our team won the national second price on the China sixth petroleum engineering design competiton.


Liang Ding attended IPTC meeting in Qatar.


Junlin Fang、Yixuan Wang、Xiaonan Ding、Partricia、Jackson took part in OTC meeting and APAC Petrobowl knowledge contests in Malaysia.

非常值得骄傲的是,在今年6月份,经全球SPE总部的评定,特授予中国地质大学(武汉)SPE学生分会2016年度“Gold Standard”称号。此称号是该组织授予学生分会的最高荣誉。

"Gold Standard”是全球SPE总部用于表彰世界各地学生分会在活动举办、专业教育和规划蓝图等方面表现优异的荣誉称号。2016年度共有来自美洲、欧洲、亚洲、非洲、中东及北美的368个学生分会参评该奖项,只有20个SPE分会赢此殊荣,我校SPE-CUG分会则为亚洲仅有的两个获奖分会之一。

In June of this year, under the assessment of global SPE headquarters , China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) SPE student chapter has been gaven an special awarded 2016 annual "Gold Standard " title. This award is the highest honor for the organization to award student chapter.

"Gold Standard " is the worlds SPE headquarters for the recognition of the worlds students in the activities organized, professional education and planning and other aspects of the outstanding performance of the honorary title. A total of 2016 year from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and North America 368 participating student branch of the award, only 20 SPE, won the award, our SPE-CUG branch is one of only two winning Asian branch.