

赵鹏大 ZHAO Peng-Da
学位:副博士 职称:教授  专业:矿产普查与勘探/数学地质电子邮箱:pdzhao@cugb.edu.cn办公电话:+86-027-67883679单
           位地址:中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院 资源科学与工程系,湖北省武汉市鲁磨路388号,430074



  • 1952年毕业于北京大学地质系。

  • 1958年获苏联莫斯科地质勘探学院副博士学位。

  • 1992年荣获国际数学地质协会克伦宾奖章。

  • 1993年当选为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。

  • 1996年当选为俄罗斯自然科学院院士,同年当选为国际高等学校科学院院士。

  • 2000年被接受为美国纽约科学院院士。

     现任中国地质学会地质教育研究分会会长、数学地质专业委员会名誉主任、湖北省学位委员会副主任、国际定量地层委员会表决委员、《 Computers & Geosciences 》通讯编委及《地球科学》编委。



  长期从事矿产勘查、数学地质的教学与科研工作,创立了矿产资源定量预测理论及方法体系,由于“在数学地质领域作为研究者、教育者及带头人的长期经历和突出贡献”,获 1992 年国际数学地质协会最高奖—克伦宾奖章(成为获此殊荣的亚洲第一人)。








赵鹏大院士自担任武汉地质学院院长和中国地质大学校长以来(1983~2005 年),积极倡导并实施将单一的地质类专业院校办成以地质、资源、环境、地学工程技术为主,理工文管相结合的多样性大学。为把学校办成现代型、开放型和国际型的地球科学领域世界一流大学而不懈努力。赵鹏大院士还在学校重点学科建设、内部管理体制改革、对外学术交流和“211工程”建设等方面做出了显著成绩。



  • 培养博士后十多人、博士百余人、硕士二十多人(含文革前研究生5人)

  • 学生中获全国优秀博士论文1人、全国优秀博士提名论文2人。

  • 2011年5月,赵鹏大院士携弟子出资110万设立“赵鹏大奖学金”




  • 1960 年被授予北京市文教先进工作者称号

  • 1982 年获得国家自然科学三等奖

  • 1988 年被国家人事部授予有突出贡献中青年专家称号

  • 1992 年获国际数学地质协会最高奖“克伦宾奖章”

  • 1992 年获得国家教委颁发的优秀学术著作一等奖

  • 1992 年获国家计委、科委和财政部联合颁发的“七五”科技攻关重大成果奖

  • 1994 年被国务院授予全国民族团结进步模范称号

  • 1994 年被中国侨联授予“八五计划、十年规划做贡献”先进个人称号

  • 1996 年获得俄罗斯自然科学院“彼得大帝金质奖章”

  • 1997 年获得湖北省科技进步二等奖

  • 2003 年获得教育部科技进步一等奖

  • 2004 年获得湖北省教学成果一等奖

  • 2005 年获得国家教学成果二等奖

  • 2006 年获得“ IET- 方正大学校长奖”

  • 2009 科学中国人2009年度人物

 Academician Zhao Pengda, director of the academic committee and the former chairman of the lab, is the major academic leader. He is famous both in and outside the country and has great attainments in reconnaissance and exploration of mineral resources and mathematical geology. He devoted himself to the study of quantitative geology in 1950 s, and successfully developed “statistical analysis in geological exploration” (a new discipline) at the beginning of 1960 s. In the middle of 1970 s, he applied the theory and method of mathematical geology to metallogenic prognosis and prediction of total mineral resources, and founded the theory and method system of quantitative prediction for mineral resources. The research project led by professor Zhao “study of prediction method of total mineral resources for 1∶200000 sheets” won the 2nd prize of scientific achievement granted by MGMR. He first put forward and expounded the concept of “the mathematic features of geological body”, and engaged in comprehensive and deep study to the direction with his students. He established the fundamental theories and principles of “scientifically ore-searching” and “quantitatively ore-searching” in 1980s, unprecedentedly founded the “theory of geological anomaly” at the beginning of 1990 s, which have been successfully applied to the prediction of nation-wide gold and uranium for small scale, the achievement is in the international lead. It can be expected that the theory of geological anomaly will have significant effect on the development of “prediction of mineral resources”.

  Professor Zhao first offered the courses of “mathematical geology”, “Diversity of Mineralization”, “Spectrum of Mineral Deposits”, “statisticl analysis in geological exploration”, “statistical prediction of ore deposits” etc.. The discipline led by the Professor Zhao. “reconnaissance and exploration of mineral resources” was appraised a national rank key discipline by the National Committee of Education. He published 5 monographs and over 70 papers, the monograph of “Statistical analysis in geological exploration” won lst prize of excellent academic monographs granted by the National committee of Education. He has cultivated 15 masters and 11 doctors since 1960.Considering his great contribution to the geosciences, the Chinese Ministry of Personnel conferred him the title of “middle age and young experts with outstanding contributions” in 1988.Besides that, he received the Krumbein Award in 1990-the highest honorable prize of the International Association of Mathematical Geology (IAMG) and received the highest honorable prize of the Russian Academy of Natural Science.

  Professor Zhao holds important positions in some academic organizations both national and international, presently being the president of China University of Geosciences, committeeman of Academic Degree Commission of the State Council, special committeeman of 30th IGC of IAMG, the representative in Asia region of the COGEDATA, the advisor of the magazines of 《Non-Renewable Resources》 and 《Computer and Geosciences》 sponsored by the IAMG